getting on 意味

発音を聞く:   getting onの例文
  • 《be ~》年を取っていく


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. and i was getting on the plane for this conference .
  2. thing is i'm supposed to be getting on a plane right now .
  3. we're going to the other island and getting on that plane .
  4. we're not getting on well with eachother . i know .
    相性悪いよ 私たち。 わかってる。
  5. make sure you are getting on a gogo flight !]
    くれぐれも@gogoの便を ご利用下さい!]


        getting:    《be ~》~になってくる、どんどん~になる I'm getting tired. 疲れてきた。 I'm getting sleepy. 眠くなってきた。 I'm getting hungry. おなかが減ってきた。
        getting on for:     gétting on fór ((略式))ほとんど,ほぼ(nearly).
        getting there:    《be ~》(ある特定{とくてい}の場所{ばしょ}?目標{もくひょう})に向かって着々{ちゃくちゃく}と進んでいる He wasn't fat yet, but he was getting there. 彼はまだ肥満というほどではなかったけれど、確実に近づいていたね。 It's not perfect but we're getting there. まあ、完ぺきとは言えないけど、目標に向か
        attention getting:    {形} :
        attention-getting:    {形} : 人目{ひとめ}を引く、注目{ちゅうもく}される、注意{ちゅうい}を引き付ける He has a chemistry and a presence that I find very attention-getting.
        be getting younger:     be gétting yóunger ((略式))〈人が〉(昔に比べて)若年化している.
        getting a cold:    《be ~》風邪{かぜ}をひきかけている
        getting along:    getting along お過ごし おすごし
        getting any?:    {映画} : みんな~やってるか!◆日1995《監督》北野武
        getting ashore:    売り抜け
        getting better:    《be ~》回復期にある
        getting by (somehow):    getting by (somehow) やり繰り 遣り繰り やりくり
        getting closer:    getting closer 接近 せっきん
        getting cloudy:    《be ~》曇ってくる
        getting down:    getting down 降車 こうしゃ


  1. "getting more important each day" 意味
  2. "getting nervous" 意味
  3. "getting off" 意味
  4. "getting off the point, but" 意味
  5. "getting old but still young at heart" 意味
  6. "getting on and off" 意味
  7. "getting on board" 意味
  8. "getting on for" 意味
  9. "getting on in the world" 意味
  10. "getting off the point, but" 意味
  11. "getting old but still young at heart" 意味
  12. "getting on and off" 意味
  13. "getting on board" 意味

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